404 Page not found!

";}; $error_shown = true; break; default: echo "This is error: " . $errno . ", ". $errstr . " on line " . $errline . ".
"; } } set_error_handler("customError"); class grabber { var $error = ''; var $html = ''; function grabhtml($url, $start, $end) { $file = file_get_contents($url); if( $file ) { if(preg_match_all("#$start(.*?)$end#s", $file, $match)) { $this->html = $match; } } } } // Check existence of Songtext $config['url'] = "http://lyric.wikia.com/" . $artistsong; $config['start_tag'] = "
"; $config['end_tag'] = "
"; $grab = new grabber; $grab->grabhtml($config['url'], $config['start_tag'], $config['end_tag']); if ($grab->html) { global $songtext_found; $songtext_found = true; } else { global $showhead; $showhead = "yes"; } // Head of song if ($showhead != "no") { $config['url'] = "http://lyric.wikia.com/" . $artistsong; $config['start_tag'] = '
'; $config['end_tag'] = "
"; $grab = new grabber; $grab->grabhtml($config['url'], $config['start_tag'], $config['end_tag']); if ($grab->html) { foreach($grab->html[0] as $html) { echo $html; } } } // Original page echo "Original page

"; // Song information $config['url'] = "http://lyric.wikia.com/" . $artistsong; $config['start_tag'] = 'This song is performed by '; $config['end_tag'] = '
'; $grab = new grabber; $grab->grabhtml($config['url'], $config['start_tag'], $config['end_tag']); if ($grab->html) { foreach($grab->html[0] as $html) { echo $html; } echo "
"; } // Albums + Covers information $config['url'] = "http://lyric.wikia.com/" . $artistsong; $config['start_tag'] = ''; $config['end_tag'] = ""; $grab = new grabber; $grab->grabhtml($config['url'], $config['start_tag'], $config['end_tag']); if ($grab->html) { foreach($grab->html[0] as $html) { echo $html; } } // Songtext $config['url'] = "http://lyric.wikia.com/" . $artistsong; $config['start_tag'] = "
"; $config['end_tag'] = "
"; //$config['end_tag'] = "/is', "", $html); echo $html . '
'; echo '
'; if ($key < (sizeof($grab->html[0])-1)) { echo '
'; } } } } ?>